One of the men charged in a major child porn bust in Quebec once taught in Regina.
Claude Paquette, 31, was one of 13 suspects arrested in connection to an online child porn ring at the end of January. The French school board confirms that Paquette was employed in Regina in 2012.
In response to News Talk Radio’s request for an interview, Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CEF) emailed the following statement:
“This person was a teacher in our system for six months on replacement contract. We have no knowledge of the current allegations and it would be inappropriate for us to comment on them. The school board takes the safety of it students very seriously. The CEF takes appropriate measures when hiring such as requiring criminal records, checks and obtaining references. Furthermore teachers and staff are subject to policies, procedures and ethical guidelines regarding interactions with students. Any allegation of inappropriate conduct is immediately investigated and appropriate action is taken including notifying police authorities if necessary.”
Police in Quebec say Paquette is now charged with crimes dating back to 2003.
Paquette also worked at a French school in Brooks, Alberta from September 2014 to June 2015. The French school board for southern Alberta deployed a crisis intervention team to the school after learning about the charges. The school division in Montreal where he is currently employed suspended him immediately and sent a letter home advising parents how to talk to their kids.
Officials with the French school board in Regina will not say what grade Paquette taught or what, if anything is being done to inform parents of the students he taught in 2012.

Former Regina teacher charged in Montreal child porn ring
By Syndicated Author
Feb 17, 2016 | 6:39 AM