Huskies men's hockey team claims 12th Canada West title
Mar 10, 2025
"All I've wanted since we won in 2020 was to be back here hoisting that cup again," said Justin Ball.
A familiar face is back on the ballot box this Regina election.
Former mayoral candidate Chad Novak is running in the southeast in ward four.
He became well-known in 2012 for his various online spats but said he won’t take that route again.
“I am trying to make sure that I am removed from that harassment and we’re doing everything we can so that people take me as a serious candidate, which I very much am,” Novak said.
Novak’s platform focuses on taxes, in particular commercial rates, which he argues are too low compared to other cities. He would like to see a better balance between what businesses contribute and what residents pay.
Currently, ward four incumbent Bryon Burnett and Asfaw Debia are also registered candidates.