The City of Regina is looking to calm down drivers on some city streets.
The city said Friday it’s going to be installing “Traffic Calming” curbs (TC), which are pre-manufactured concrete slabs that are placed on asphalt roadways.
The curbs are to replace speed bumps.
“TC curbs serve as a catalyst to increase safety in neighbourhoods with a pedestrian focus by encouraging drivers to travel at reduced speeds, improving yielding behaviour at intersections, and shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians,” the city said in a media release.
The curbs, which are yellow with reflective posts, are designed to guide drivers away from sidewalks. The city said the TC curbs are cheaper than other methods used to slow traffic in areas with high foot traffic.
The City of Regina is to replace speed humps on Whelan Drive with new ‘Traffic Calming’ curbs. (980 CJME)
The first location to get the new curbs is Whelan Drive by MacNeill School in the city’s northwest. Crews are to remove the existing speed bumps on Monday before installing the new TC curbs on Tuesday.
The city said it will review other potential locations for the new curbs in the future.
Calgary employs the curbs at more than 150 locations throughout that city.