The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is sharing more details on the explosion caused by smoking Sunday at the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (JPCH).
Just after 2 a.m., the Saskatoon Fire Department responded to the blaze, which was located in the JPCH emergency room.

The room where a fire occurred in the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Emergency Room on Sept. 13, 2020. (Saskatoon Fire Department)
The fire caused $1,000 worth of damage to the hospital, along with causing a small explosion in the isolated room.
“Clean up is underway in the one primary area affected in the Emergency Department. Assessment of impact to other areas occurred immediately and within a short time normal operations resumed within the majority of the ED department,” read an emailed statement from SHA media relations spokesperson Amanda Purcell.
Purcell said the Adult Emergency Department remains open, and no other units were affected by the incident.
She added at the time of the incident, “there were no children in the co-located JPCH Children’s Emergency Department.”
The SHA also recognized one individual sustained serious injuries from the incident, but couldn’t comment on the status of the individual.
“Our thoughts are with this person and their family,” the emailed statement read.
In its release Sunday, the Saskatoon Fire Department said the fire was accidental in nature as the result of a man smoking.
The man received severe burns to approximately 25 per cent of his upper body after attempting to smoke while receiving oxygen.
Patients were evacuated from the hospital as staff terminated the area’s oxygen supply. Hospital security extinguished the fire, along with searching for possible areas of extension.
Ventilation of the remaining smoke and toxins was conducted using the facility’s HVAC system.
The JPCH officially opened in late September 2019, centrally located next to the University of Saskatchewan campus.