2020 has offered sports an incredibly difficult year and the start of 2021 will be no different.
But there are a few things I hope will come from a very difficult year.
Major sports franchises should spend a little more time appreciating the fans and the money they spend. On the flip side, I hope some more fans appreciate what they have right at home.
It’s the relationship between the fans and the leagues that make it all work. We all knew it, but it was right in front of our faces since March. The biggest reason some negotiations were tough between owners and players was that you couldn’t go to games.
They need you. Period. Pro leagues can always do better for fan experience or rewarding season-ticket holders.
On the flip side are leagues like the CFL, SJHL, WHL etc. that can barely survive or not survive at all. Whether it’s a lottery or 50/50 or buying a ticket, I’d like to see attendance jumps for these leagues as the Green Zone does a better job at shining the spotlight on local leagues in the new year.
Here’s to a better 2021, for everyone.