The City of Regina and RM of Sherwood have reached a deal to alter their boundaries, adding 1,187 acres of land to the city’s limits.
The move comes in advance of two major projects, the Viterra Crush Plant and the Federated Co-operatives Limited Integrated Ag Complex. Both projects, the parties said in a joint statement, will add about 400 permanent jobs to Regina, and will employ about 3,750 people during construction.
“These projects will result in significant economic benefits for both the City and the RM,” Sandra Masters, Regina’s mayor, said in the statement announcing the deal.
In the deal, the city will pay the RM $126,000 to compensate it for lost tax revenue, and the boundary alteration will become official on Jan. 1.
Reeve Susan Oakley-Paul shared Masters’ optimism.
“The RM is excited about the local processing plant initiatives and is looking forward to future diverse development opportunities in the area,” she said.
The agreement, the parties said, also addresses “RM investments into Inland Drive and future stormwater impacts in the RM that result from development on the lands.”