It is cleanup time over much of the province after the weekend storm. How much snow did you get in your area?
Email your stories, photos and videos to or text us at 1-877-332-8255.
Here are some pictures we have received so far:

The snow depth in the Parkridge area of Saskatoon at 9 a.m. on Nov. 24, 2024. (Dustin Letkeman/submitted)

Snow blankets a parking lot in Saskatoon on Nov. 24, 2024. Resident Charlene Gibson said the lot was cleared before the weekend storm. (Charlene Gibson/submitted)

Rockford received 16 ins of snow in the storm on Nov. 24, 2024. Pictured is Sunset Ranch. (Roy/submitted)

Yogi was out enjoying the snow in the Holliston neighbourhood of Saskatoon early on Nov. 24, 2024. (Troy Kerluke/submitted)
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