SaskPower has been inspecting Regina homes this summer and fixing meters that may be affected by ground shifting.
So far, nine SaskPower meters have caught fire in Regina.
Homes with smaller meters have been deemed the most at risk because of how short the wires are inside the meter and how easily they can be pulled. SaskPower is installing junction boxes onto the smaller meters.
Ryan Blair, operations manager for SaskPower Regina, said they are splicing the wires from the small meter to be used in the junction box.
“This junction box will give the wire an additional 24 to 30 inches of slack and it takes that connection and all that slack from being inside that eight-inch box and putting it into a 24-inch box,” Blair said.
The crown corporation has completed about 7,600 inspections across the province, with 6,000 taking place in the Queen City.
Blair said they were re-inspecting 468 of those inspections and on Thursday said 20 were remaining.
“We no longer feel that we need to go back to reinspect any of the other ones because we’ve been doing this process of adding the box and jumping out the smaller meters.”
Blair said while they didn’t have a firm number, about 600 junction boxes have been installed at homes.
Blair said they don’t usually see meters catch fire, so nine has been a high number.
“It’s extremely alarming, we’re taking it very seriously.”
Some of the repairs done this summer have cost around $1,000 to $2,000.
If there is a service box that is failing and is sparking, power will be shut off for the neighbourhood.
SaskPower said if people are worried about their meters, they can call and request an inspection.