Egland scores Teddy Bear Toss goal but Pats lose in OT
6h ago
Over 3,000 stuffed animals were tossed onto the ice.
Ending the week on the plus side of zero is a first for Saskatoon.
According to Environment Canada meteorologist David Phillips, temperatures in January have never stayed above zero degrees overnight, until today.
“It is something that even climatologists like myself, who have been here a long time, shake our head about,” Phillips said. “It’s what we call a protracted January thaw where every hour on this day will be above the freezing mark.”
Normally in January the early-morning before the sun rises is the coldest time of day. But at 6 a.m. today Saskatoon was blessed with a 3 C morning.
The warmest temperature recorded for a January morning was 0.2 C set in 2007.