RCMP across Saskatchewan nabbed hundreds of drivers behaving badly Saturday night during a traffic blitz.
More than 330 people were fined or charged for everything from not wearing a sea belt to being impaired. Police also gave out 242 warnings.
Despite heavy fog and low visibility, 150 vehicles were stopped for speeding or aggressive driving. Two of those tickets were for speeding over 165 kilometres per hour in a 100 km/h zone.
Police also caught 32 people not wearing seatbelts.
Impaired driver caught with kids sitting on laps
RCMP said one traffic stop saw officers pull over a vehicle driving with no taillights. When they pulled it over they found an impaired driver with two children sitting on the laps of adult passengers. The driver is one of 14 people charged with impaired driving during the traffic blitz.
Three of those impaired driving charges were for people operating all-terrain vehicles.
Three more people had their licences suspended for 24 hours and two had their licenses suspended for drug-related impairment.
RCMP officers are focusing this winter on impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving and seatbelt use.
“As the holiday season approaches we remind everyone to drive for the appropriate weather and road conditions, put your cell phones away, wear your seatbelts and if you’re drinking – please don’t drive,” the RCMP said in a news release.