The minister in charge of the Provincial Capital Commission doesn’t think there’s any need for an inquiry into the CNIB/Brandt building going up in Wascana Park.
At February’s meeting, members of Regina’s city council put in notice of two motions related to the contentious build. One called for an inquiry, while the other called for more transparency.
Ken Cheveldayoff is the minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission (PCC), the body in charge of Wascana Park.
Though Cheveldayoff said he wants to wait to see what actually comes out of the council meeting before saying what might happen, he did say he doesn’t think there’s any need for an inquiry.
“We feel that the processes have been followed, just as other projects and future projects will follow the same process as well,” said Cheveldayoff.
He admitted the PCC is young and it’s possible that it could be made better.
Regarding the other motion, Cheveldayoff said that whatever information is available can be accessed by the city’s representatives on the PCC board. But he also said he’s always in favour of more transparency.
Speaking about the issue, Cheveldayoff repeated that the city is a partner in the running of the park.
“(The city is) partners with us and we’re always interested in being good partners,” he said.
The two motions will be heard and debated at March’s Regina City Council meeting.