SGI is trying to get a better understanding of impaired drivers in the province.
The Crown corporation has filed a Request for Proposal with the goal of hiring researchers to conduct roadside surveys that would study the use of alcohol and drugs in Saskatchewan.
That data currently is available only through the police, the coroner’s office and a semi-annual traffic safety monitor survey.
“Although these data sources provide valuable data for profiling alcohol and drug use while driving, they have limitations that make the identification of real world use of drugs and alcohol by all drivers very difficult,” the SGI proposal reads.
As a result, SGI is looking for someone to conduct roadside surveys to estimate what it called “the prevalence of alcohol and drug use among Saskatchewan drivers.” Breath samples and oral fluid samples will be collected from drivers, who also will be given a questionnaire to determine the behaviours of drivers regarding impaired driving.
SGI’s aim is to get an estimate of alcohol and drug use by drivers both day and night, the types of drugs used by drivers, and the characteristics of drivers who use drugs and alcohol.
SGI hopes between 1,500 and 2,000 people will participate in the survey, which is voluntary and anonymous.
The initial plan is to collect data between June and September and to have a final report filed by Nov. 29.