This month’s traffic safety focus in Regina is on construction zones.
The penalty for speeding through a 60-kilometre-per-hour orange zone that is occupied with workers is a $360 fine, Const. Mike Seel told the Greg Morgan Morning Show on Wednesday.
“Some of the orange zones are still being worked on at night if they’re not in residential areas. So just keep an eye on them (and), if workers are there, slow down to those speed limits just for their safety,” Seel said.
Even if workers aren’t present, the fine for blowing through a construction zone with a posted speed limit of 60 km/h is $170.
It’s not just construction zones. Seel said people also need to drive carefully near schools and playgrounds as well.
“Those school zones are still being used by kids playing at the park so people still have to slow down,” he said.
Seel’s policing career spans 10 years and he has seen plenty. However, he still hears some surprising things.
He recently pulled over a driver on her cellphone.
“She adamantly denied she was on her cellphone. While talking to me, I could see that her cellphone was still in her lap, clear as day, and the screen was still on its texting app,” he said. “I had to ask if she had been drinking or using drugs that day because I couldn’t understand how she couldn’t realize she just had her phone in her lap.”
That driver was fined for distracted driving and received a court summons for having her licence suspended.
Obstructing a funeral procession is another traffic violation that Seel talked about. He said the cavalcade needs to follow rules of the road unless others yield the right of way. Tailgating, horn-honking or cutting off a procession is a $100 fine, Seel said.