Sadly, the Don Cherry story has deteriorated to yet more meaningless political sparring, which is about as riveting and relevant as the old “less filling, tastes great” debate.
In these times of being forced to pick a side, the discussion about Hockey Night in Canada’s removal of Don Cherry has been simplified for the simple, to yet another tired, right wing/left wing issue.
My opinion is one of 30 million in Canada. I do believe that Don Cherry should have been able to clear up a misunderstanding, without having to apologize.
I believe that all Canadians should wear poppies on and around Remembrance Day to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers.
I also believe that those who were truly hurt by Cherry’s comments shouldn’t be called “Fascists” by talk show hosts or anyone else who doesn’t have the capacity to view issues beyond right and left.
Through it all, there may be some good news for Canadian television viewers if Sportsnet plays this right.
The discussion on Hockey Night In Canada has a chance to be elevated … to more hockey.