Florida is normally the place to go for November golf, but warm temperatures are keeping the sport alive in Saskatoon.
A week of forecasted highs in the low-teens is giving many in the city a few extra rounds before winter.
“This is a first for me,” said Barry, who plans to play all week at Saskatoon’s Wildwood Golf Course. “Usually we’re getting ready to go away, but if it stays like this for two more weeks I will be happy.”
More than a dozen pairings could be found at Wildwood Monday morning. The course is free to the public this week for anyone looking to get an extra round in, although they have covered the greens in favour of temporary ones.
“We thought when the snow hit in October that we were done,” said Murph, who is also planning to play for a few more days.
Environment Canada is forecasting for the warm weather to continue for another week, with a large air mass trapped in the north.