Oh great, another theory about what the NBA might do to complete its season — even though no one knows when a return is possible.
May? June? July?? Who knows?
The U.S. extending the social distancing guidelines to April 30 tells us all we’re in this for the long haul. So let’s relax any talk about when or how the seasons will look or anything else because it looks like we’re still more than a month away from any sort of semblance of normalcy.
Plus, we have bigger things to figure out than when a basket is going to be scored or when the Stanley Cup is going to be given out — if the Stanley Cup gets handed out at all.
The bottom line is we have no serious control over this, except to keep our distance, stay home, avoid contact and try to make the best of this bad situation.
I’m enjoying seeing my kids in commercial breaks and actually being at home to sit down with them for supper. But I think I’m done spending too much energy speculating when sports will be back.