Although there is no timeline set for restrictions ending with the COVID-19 crisis, the city is still expecting to hold its municipal elections in November.
At the governance and priorities committee meeting Monday, returning electoral officer Scott Bastian answered questions regarding the upcoming election, set for Nov. 9. His report was received as information and gives a look into the city’s plans for November.
Bastian explained that his team is closely watching the COVID-19 crisis, and taking examples from around the world.
“We’re constantly monitoring and measuring what other cities, and countries even, are doing in regards to their elections. Just in terms of maintaining physical distancing and perhaps requiring there to be gloves and masks, for example,” he said.
Bastain said the mail-in ballots may be used in a larger capacity in the upcoming election, due to coronavirus concerns.
There is expected to be an additional advanced polling station this upcoming election as well. Prairieland Park would add an additional option for voters.
Coun. Darren Hill expressed concerns surrounding advanced polling stations in the past, mainly with the training of election workers.
Citizens are allowed to vote at any advance station they may need, for their specific ward. Stations are not tied to the specific wards they are located in.
Coun. Randy Donauer said there was confusion in the 2016 municipal election, with some miscommunication among election workers.
Bastain said he is “making significant updates” to training from the past election, which he says will be a combination of in-class and online literature.
Additionally, in an effort to increase voter turnout, availability for advance polls may increase from six to seven days, based on Monday’s report.