A sinkhole behind the North West Leisure Centre has forced the City of Regina to lower the water level of the Rochdale Retention Pond.
The sinkhole opened up next to the path behind the leisure centre on July 28. To determine the extent of the damage, the water level will be lowered further — possibly until the pond is completely drained.
A crew was on the site Tuesday to stabilize the sinkhole and to pump water out of the pond and into a storm manhole near Rochdale Boulevard.
In a media release, the City of Regina said the work is expected to take several weeks to complete.
Lowering the water level in the pond may cause an odour if the weather is hot. If the pond is totally drained, wildlife will have to find new homes.
“If the pond needs to be drained, city crews will evaluate if dredging is required,” the release said. “Dredging would take place in the winter months and helps to removes algae that can eventually reduce the amount of oxygen in the water and aquatic life.”
The city noted if the pond is emptied, it would stay that way until the dredging is finished. The pond then would fill with rain and snowmelt in the spring.
The city uses retention ponds to collect and store rainfall and runoff from the streets and adjacent land. They help minimize the risk of flooding or damage to nearby properties.