Gormley, Friday, August 27, 2021
8:30 – Dr. Saqib Shahab joins Gormley with the latest on COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. Our numbers have been climbing steadily despite the progress we’ve made on vaccinations, with some calling for more restrictions to be imposed by the province.
LIVE: Dr. Saqib Shahab, Chief Medical Health Officer for Saskatchewan.
9:00 – The Ultimate Open Lines.
10:30 – Journalist and author Terry Glavin has been covering Afghanistan for years, and says the West has “abandoned Afghanistan to slavery” by withdrawing troops without protecting our countrymen and allies still trapped there. Glavin joins Gormley to share his thoughts on the current situation in Afghanistan and what the federal government should be doing to help.
LIVE: Terry Glavin, Columnist for Ottawa Citizen and National Post, contributing editor for Maclean’s.
11:00 – What time is it? It’s Eatin’ Time! with Belton Johnson – powered by the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association! Grillmaster Belton Johnson joins Gormley with his recipe for smoked brisket jalapeño poppers!
LIVE: Belton Johnson.
12:00 – In her new book ‘Teachers These Days’ Dr. Jody Carrington explores strategies in theory and practice to help teachers reconnect with students and “show up with [their] whole heart” when they arrive in the classroom. Dr. Carrington is speaking at the Saskatoon Teachers’ Association convention in Saskatoon today, and is taking some time to join our show!
LIVE: Dr. Jody Carrington, co-author (with Laurie McIntosh) of ‘Teachers These Days: Stories and Strategies for Reconnection’.