8:30 –Yesterday, Pope Francis delivered a formal apology for how the Catholic Church was involved in the residential school system. He said “I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness, in particular, for the ways in which many members of the Church and of religious communities co-operated, not least through their indifference, in projects of cultural destruction and forced assimilation promoted by the governments of that time.” Archbishop Donald Bolen, who attended the live apology in Maskwacis Alberta, joins Gormley with more.
LIVE: Archbishop Donald Bolen.
9:00 – Federal Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest was in Saskatchewan this weekend. He wraps up his visit with Gormley to discuss his tour and his plans for the CPC party.
LIVE: Jean Charest, CPC Leadership candidate, former deputy PM and Premier of Quebec.
9:15 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session.
10:00 –As the war on Ukraine continues, we check in with Lana Niland, a Saskatoon-born woman who’s lived in Kyiv for almost two decades. She joins us here in the Saskatoon studio to discuss what life has been like since the war started in February. She also discusses the work she has been doing with a Saskatoon nurse which includes bringing food, medicine, and protective gear to those in need.
LIVE: Lana Niland, Saskatchewan woman living in Kyiv.
11:00 –The tipping trend has been growing, as some businesses such as grocery stores, fast food places, and even auto body shops are pressing individuals to leave a tip. In an article by Josh Freed in the Montreal Gazette, he says “when you grab your own sandwich from a cooler and bus your own table, you shouldn’t be pressured to tip %15 per cent or more.” Freed calls this the “tip creep” which presumably started during the pandemic when restaurants were only able to serve takeout. What do you think? Should we get rid of the tipping option for certain businesses? Who deserves a tip these days? Call/text us at 1-877-332-8255!
12:00 – New research from the University of Saskatchewan dives into the evolution of dog diets in a new study. Dr. Robert Losey, a professor from the University of Alberta said that “dogs evolved from wolves somewhere in Europe and Asia during the ice age.” According to this study, it was assumed that dogs evolved to eat grain-rich diets due to genetic adaptation. Today, there are clues that suggest dog diets were much more diversified. Dr. Robert Losey tells us more.
LIVE: Dr. Robert Losey, professor, University of Alberta; adjunct professor, University of Saskatchewan.