With guest host Brent Loucks
8:30– Yesterday, Finance Minister Donna Harpauer announced the Saskatchewan Government’s four-point affordability plan to help individuals with the cost of living. You can expect to see a $500 Saskatchewan tax credit cheque this fall if you are 18 or older as of December 31, 2022, and have filed a 2021 tax return. The plan also includes aspects such as the removal of PST from municipal fitness and gym memberships. Harpauer joins us with more on this announcement.
LIVE: Donna Harpauer, Deputy Premier and Finance Minister.
9:00– After the recent announcement of the Saskatchewan Government’s affordability plan, Trent Wotherspoon-NDP Finance Critic and MLA for Regina Rosemont, joins us to talk about the NDP’s reaction to this and how it will affect those living in the province.
LIVE: Trent Wotherspoon, NDP Finance Critic, MLA for Regina Rosemont.
9:15 – The Hour of the Big Stories… Open Session
10:00– The Liberal Governments plan to reduce emissions from fertilizer use in the country by 30 per cent has some people concerned about the future of agriculture. Gerry Ritz, former federal Agriculture Minister, and Conservative MP joins Loucks to discuss how this affects Canadians and Canadian farmers.
LIVE: Gerry Ritz, Former federal Agriculture Minister and Conservative MP.
10:30– How bad does your windshield get until you decide to change it? It is time to check in with our YouTube friend Quick Dick McDick on how bad he lets his windshield gets and when or if he ever changes it.
LIVE: Quick Dick McDick, Saskatchewan YouTube star.
11:00 – It’s time for Saskatchewan’s Smartest Radio Listener! It’s your chance for fame, acclaim and to prove just how smart you are. Not only do you get bragging rights, you’ll win your exclusive Smartest Radio Listener t-shirt thanks to Little Town Apparel available ONLY to Saskatchewan Smartest Radio Listener winners, PLUS a $50 gift certificate to Crossmount.
11:30– Ancestry.ca is a great way to find out about your generational history, your cultural background, and even connect with long lost relatives. Crista Cowan, a family history expert at Ancestry tells us about the history of the platform, shares some stories about the website. She will also let you know how you can get started on your own search for family history.
LIVE: Crista Cowan, family history expert at Ancestry.
12:00– Nancy MacKenzie, the Regina Public Library Executive Director of Customer Experience joins Brent Loucks to discuss public libraries in the digital age, some of the services they offer, and even how borrowing books can be done online.
LIVE: Nancy MacKenzie, Regina Public Library Executive Director, Customer Experience.