8:30 – This housing affordability crisis has seen many Canadians giving up on the idea of owning a home. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation have handed out $75 million in bonuses during this crisis. Last year alone, it paid almost $27 million in bonuses, an average of $11,700 per employee. Franco Terrazzano is the Federal Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. He joins Gormley to explain why this doesn’t make sense for the federal crown corporation, whose goal is housing affordability.
LIVE: Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
9:00 – Hour of the Big Stories…open lines
10:00 – We see the shift to make more electric vehicles, and many of them piling up, waiting to be sold. We are seeing this shift impact the middle class, especially when it comes to the cost of buying an EV being well over $60,000. Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of the Urban Reform Institute and Urban Futures Fellow at the University of Chapman, recently wrote about how EV mandates attack the middle class. He joins Gormley to explain how harmful the move to EVs is on the middle class.
LIVE: Joel Kotkin, Executive Director of Urban Reform Institute, Urban Futures Fellow at the University of Chapman and Author of seven books, including his latest, “The Coming of Neo-Feudalism”.
11:00 – There is a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes look at what happens at Depot Division. Also known as the RCMP Academy, it is allowing tours to the public of its facility to commemorate the RCMP’s 150 anniversary and connect with the community. C/Supt. Sylvie Bourassa-Muise is the commander for Depot and joins Gormley to discuss what life is like at Depot and the work being done for the RCMP.
LIVE: C/Supt. Sylvie Bourassa-Muise, Commander of the RCMP Academy.
12:00 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in research at the University of Saskatchewan to better predict risk factors for heart disease. AI is collecting more data from CT scans that are beyond what any doctor can perceive. Dr. Scott Adam is part of the research project and assistant professor at the College of Medicine for the University of Saskatchewan. He joins Gormley to chat about the research.
LIVE: Dr. Scott Adams, Department of Medical Imaging at Royal University Hospital and assistant professor at the College of Medicine for the University of Saskatchewan.