The Green Zone Tic-Tac-20
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Mr. Lube
He shoots… YOU SCORE!
You're already watching Saturday

Saskatchewan's Smartest Radio Listener
Saskatchewan’s Smartest Radio Listener
You’re quick & clever!
And for some weird reason you’ve carried the right answer in your head for years.

980 CJME Weather Guarantee
Greg Morgan is so confident he can predict the daily high temperature, we’re putting money on it!
The CJME Weather Guarantee for Windsor Plywood & De Haar Hair Restoration
Listen weekday mornings for the guaranteed high, if Greg is off by 3 …

The Green Zone Community Coach
The Green Zone, with Jamie & Locker, is excited to celebrate the leadership and guidance of great coaches on the show.
The Green Zone Community Coach. Powered by Kal Tire.
Encouraging, developing, believing -- grassroots coaches help inspire

Prize Pick Up Guidelines
Effective April 27, 2023…
As a new policy, all contest prizing will only be available for pick up Monday to Friday between 11am and 1pm.
Prize winners who are unable to pick up in the hours provided please call 306-525-0000to coordinate