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He shoots… YOU SCORE!
You’re already watching Saturday night hockey…
why not win money while you’re at it!
If ANY NHL team scores a goal within the first :20 seconds puck-drop
of their Saturday NHL game, you could win the jackpot!
If NO team scores within the opening :20 seconds of play,
the prize amount grows by $100 each week during the NHL regular season.
If there is a payout, the prize amount resets to $100.
Listen Friday afternoon for your name to be called on The Green Zone.
Then, tune in again Monday afternoon to find out if the jackpot was claimed or if it keeps going and growing!
This is an all-ages contest open to Saskatchewan residents.
No purchase necessary. No cash value. Prize accepted as awarded.
Contesting Period
Opens: Monday, October 7, 2024 at 12:00:01am
Closes: Friday, April 4, 2025 at 2:00:01pm
How to Enter
Complete the entry form at CKOM.com.
Prizing and Selection of Winner
650 CKOM / 980 CJME (“Contest Organizer”) will randomly select one (1) contestant (“Potential Winner”) from entries each week to win the progressive jackpot (“Prize”) throughout the Contesting Period. The Potential Winner is announced on The Green Zone each Friday.
The Prize is a progressive jackpot of one hundred dollars ($100) each week.
The Potential Winner wins the confirmed Prize within that week of the Contesting Period only when any NHL team scores within the first :20 seonds puck-drop of their Saturday games. The Prize then resets to $100 for the following week.
If no NHL team scores within the first :20 seconds puck-drop of their Saturday games, the Potential Winner receives no Prize and the Prize grows by $100 for the following week.
The Green Zone will announce if the Prize resets or keeps growing on Monday afternoon.
The Potential Contestant will be contacted by the Promotions Department only in cases when the Prize is won. A cheque will be issued for the Prize amount that week.
If no NHL team scores within the first :20 seconds puck-drop of the final Saturday game of the regular NHL season, the Potential Winner for that week does not automatically win the Prize. One (1) new Potential Winner will be randomly selected from all entrants through the Contesting Period to win the final confirmed Prize.
In the event the Potential Contestant does not accept the prize as awarded, and/or does not comply with all provisions as contemplated in the Contest Terms, the Contest Organizer shall have the right to disqualify them and select an alternate Potential Contestant from entries at the Contest Organizer’s discretion. The Contest Organizer’s decisions are final.
All entrants agree to be bound to Rawlco Radio’s full list of Contest Rules. Additional restrictions may apply.